Contacts and resources
General enquiries, including fees and charges
- Call the Aged Care Information line on 1800 500 853
Enquiries relating to appointing a guardian or administrator
- Contact the guardianship list at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on (03) 9628 9911 or Toll Free 1800 133 055
Applications for financial hardship
- Call the Aged Care Information line on 1800 500 853
Enquiries relating to assets assessments
For individuals currently receiving a Centrelink income support payment
- Call Centrelinks financial help line on 1800 227 475
- For hearing and speech impaired TTY service FREECALL 1800 810 586
For individuals on an income support payment from the Department of Veteran Affairs
- Call the Department of Veteran Affairs on 133 254
- DVA callers from regional Australia can call 1800 555 254
For individuals who do not currently receive an income support payment from Centrelink or DVA
- Call Centrelink on 1800 227 475
- For hearing and speech impaired TTY service FREECALL 1800 810 586
Respite and community-related enquiries
- Call the Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre on 1800 052 222
Carelink Centres are information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Carelink Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia.
Aged pension, pensioner concession cards, bereavement assistance and other pension-related enquiries
- Call Centrelink on 132300
Aged care advocacy
- Call the national Aged Care Advocacy Line 1800 700 600
Concerns and complaints about Australian Government subsidised aged care services
- Call the Complaints Investigation Scheme on 1800 550 552
Dementia support
- Call the national dementia helpline on 1800 100 500
Aged care assessment service
- Call you nearest Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres by calling 1800 052 222
Resources, further reading and useful organisations

Aged & Community Services Australia
Aged and Community Services Australia Inc is the national peak body in Australia representing over 1,200 church and charitable and community based organisations providing accommodation and care

Alzheimer's Australia
The peak body providing support and advocacy for the hundreds of thousands of Australians living with Alzheimer's.

For further information on government payments.

Commonwealth CareLink Centres
CareLink Centres are information centres for older people, people with disabilities and those who provide care and services. Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia. A useful resource for individuals and families seeking respite.

Community Visitors Scheme
The Community Visitors Scheme (CVS) is a national program that provides companionship to socially isolated people living in Australian Government-funded aged care homes.

Department of Health & Ageing
A comprehensive range of topics relevant to ageing including help to stay at home and residential care.

Department of Health, Victoria
The department's core objective is to achieve the best health and wellbeing for all Victorians. Their Aged Care in Victoria web site is designed to assist members of the public and health professionals navigate the aged care sector from a Victorian perspective. It covers a wide range of topics from aged care services to policy and guidelines.

Department of Veteran Affairs
DVA is the federal government department dealing with issues related to veterans &returned soldiers including health & pension matters.

Dementia Care Australia
Dementia Care Australia provides a range of Services and Resources to help you cope with dementia. Their philosophy is that the 'Spark of Life' can be rekindled and the lives of people with dementia and their carers truly enriched.

Elder Rights Advocacy
Elder Rights Advocacy offers a free, confidential and independent service to older people (or their representatives) who are receiving a Commonwealth subsidised aged care service in Victoria. They provide information, advice and advocate for the rights of older people receiving aged care services.

One Care Australia
For user funded help in finding and securing permanent aged care and respite services as well as private case management.

Palliative Care Victoria
Palliative care is specialised health care provided by experts with training and experience in supporting people living with a terminal illness and their families. Palliative Care Victoria provides information about palliative care to professional and the general public and can assist you to find a service near you.

The Australian Association of Gerontology
The Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) is a voluntary, not-for-profit organization of professionals interested in understanding and managing the impact of ageing in Australian society. Gerontology is the understanding, through scientific study, of the processes and the phenomena of ageing. They promote and support research and education around ageing.

Victoria Legal Aid
Victoria Legal Aid helps people with their legal problems. They focus on helping and protecting the rights of socially and economically disadvantaged Victorians. You can go to the legal aid website for information about making a legal document and appointing someone to make financial and legal decisions for you such as powers of attorney and guardianship.
Return to topTable of contents
- General enquiries, including fees and charges
- Enquiries relating to appointing a guardian or administrator
- Applications for financial hardship
- Enquiries relating to assets assessments
- Respite and community-related enquiries
- Aged pension, pensioner concession cards, bereavement assistance and other pension-related enquiries
- Aged care advocacy
- Concerns and complaints about Australian Government subsidised aged care services
- Dementia support
- Aged care assessment service
- Resources, further reading and useful organisations