Contacts and resources

Retirement Village Association
The Retirement Village Association (RVA) is Australia's peak body for the retirement village industry Retirement.
Victoria & Tasmania
4/335 Flinders Lane
Melbourne VIC 3000
Ph: (03) 9629 4520
Fax: (03) 9629 4036
The Australian Government's premier source of information for Australians over 50s. provides you with a single point of access to Government and non-Government information and services for older Australians.

Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centres
"Your link to living independently". Centres provide free and confidential information on community aged care, disability and other support services available locally, interstate or anywhere within Australia. Contact 1800 052 222.

Information for seniors on topics including the Age Pension, Pensioner Concession Cards, Bereavement assistance, Widow B Pension, Wife Pension, and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card enquiries. Call 132 300.
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